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design and analysis

  • architecture & eco design

  • analysis & research

  • consultancy & advice

Daylight and Sunlight Analysis

 for housing in Ireland and UK

Professional daylight sunlight and overshadowing assessment. Contact  087 2357530 

Our daylight and sunlight simulation is suitable for planning applications of housing projects in the private and public sectors in Ireland, UK and USA (LEED). 


Our analysis follows the methodologies of BS EN 17037 and EN17037 for  project daylight assessment. To evaluate impacts on neighbours sunlight and daylight  we follow the BRE daylight and overshadowing assessment procedures set out in BRE 209 (2022).


We can also help you achieve daylight related credits in HPI and LEED and carry out Part O summer overheating studies also.


Get in touch at

087 2357530   +353 87 2357530

sunlight analysis modelling  and daylight assessment expertise
Architectural Design

We can help you achieve your grand vision. We bring decades of design leadership, endless creativity, curiosity and patience to the unique question that is your project. Design is our passion. 


New House Design and Planning Applications Co Cork

We are experienced at designing new homes for families just like yours. We create uplifting bright and sustainable designs that are both unique and comply with Cork County Council's rural house design guidelines and we will apply for planning permission for you. .

Sunlight Assessment inside an apartment


Domestic Building Energy Ratings


We now provide building energy ratings, U Value calculations and energy improvement specifications for dwellings.


SEAI Energy Assesor No: 109555


Get in touch at

087 2357530

Building Energy Label
Daylight design excellence Solas Bhride project Solearth Desgn
over 25 years design and architecture expertise available to you

For more than two decades Brian T O Brien has been at the forefront of professional architecture and sustainable and eco design in Ireland and internationally. He now works worldwide from his remote office  in West Cork, Ireland. 


His expertise is now available as a registered architect or consultant for your projects across Ireland and internationally.


Also feel free to get in touch regarding speaking at your event as well as research or innovation.


See below regarding client services on larger projects 

Sunlight exposure Solas Bhride project Solearth
Design Reviews and Improvements

We provide a design review service where we can evaluate and help improve a design done by others .


From a design for a new house to reviewing your current home's layout, we can suggest ways to  make them better.  


On larger projects we can help you evaluate the architects design proposals against your brief and expectations

Daylight Factor analysis  in an apartment
Conservation Advice Grant
for the DoHLGH Grant Scheme for Vacant Traditional Houses
Traditional farmhouse  Grants

We now provide the expert conservation advice for vacant traditional houses  addressed in this new grant in West Cork. The scheme provides owners who are availing of, or considering, the Vacant Property Refurbishment Grant with a grant for expert conservation advice prior to construction .


The advice grant provides up to  67% of the costs (maximum  €5,000) toward having us:

  • visit a vacant or derelict traditional building

  • conduct a survey, and

  • compile tailored conservation advice for the property owner.


Our expert advice includes a report outlining the condition of the building and identifies conservation improvements which would restore it to use while enhancing its character, energy efficiency, integrity, and amenity.

Healthy bright interior Dechc Shying project Solearth Design
About is a design consultancy led by Brian T O Brien architect, founder of Opoplan and  previously director of Solearth Architecture. Solearth is the trading name of Open Plan Design a limited company registered in Dublin, Ireland. 

Brian T O Brien
MRIAI registered architect


Get In Touch

+353 87 2357530

We have no  connection with the Chinese company operating the domain 

contemporary sustainable architecture Grow HQ project Solearth Design
Legal and Expert Services

Opinions on Compliance with/ exemption from Planning permission and Building Regulations


Land Registry (Tailte) / Registry of Deeds/ Land Direct compliant maps 


Parcel / site boundary identification and comparison services

dramatic modern building Dechen Shying proje
Help Finding and Hiring an Architect or Design Team

For larger and more unique projects includng those overseas, Brian O Brien can help you decide whether and how to select and hire an architect or a whole design team for your project. We can help with developing a  brief and scope, and also guide you on budget setting and process.


We can help with with fee negotiations and terms of appointment and later can act on your authority to review designs so you get the building you want while you stay focused on your core business. 


Challenging or cutting edge projects are of particular interest

© 2024

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