Daylight and Sunlight Analysis
Daylight Assessment For UK Projects BS EN 17037 and BRE 209 2022
Our Daylight, Sunlight and Overshadowing Expertise
Contact brian@solearth.ie +353 87 2357530
We carry out Daylight and Sunlight analysis for both proposed housing projects and neighbour impact assessments within the UK.
Our simulation studies are personally carried out by director Brian T O Brien MRIAI. With a Masters in sustainable architecture (2009) from the University California at Berkeley, experience with UCDs Energy Research Group, 20 years lecturing on sustainable design at TU Dublin School of Architecture and two decades leading research /analysis and design projects at prestigious Irish sustainable design practice Solearth Architecture, I am more than qualified to provide best in class daylight modelling and assessment. sunlight analysis and overshadowing simulation for your projects.
Our methodologies follow BRE protocols and use analytical software developed for British practice.
Our Approach
We take your proposal (in CAD or 3D form), and set out a scope of tests appropriate to the situation: own project (self) tests, neighbour impact tests or both and whether for daylight, sunlight/ overshadowing or both. From there we develop the analysis regime to cover daylight (spatial daylight autonomy/ daylight availability for self tests and VSC for neighbours), sunlight exposure (1.5 hours on March 21 for self and APSH for neighbour tests) and and amenity sunlight (to outdoor areas) for both self and neighbour impacts. We can also help you achieve daylight credits in LEED, Code for Sustainable Homes and BREEAM.
Analysis results are then set out in an authoritative report, with individual and project wide results across the different metrics. Potential impacts are presented clearly, but as importantly, contextualised and presented in a housing centred way-balancing daylight and sunlight performance against often competing goals (density, mixed use, scale, heritage). Mitigation actions, where taken, are presented convincingly also. ​​​
Our modelling and analysis are of course grounded in the methodologies set out in the recently updated BRE 209 2022-Site Layout Planning for Daylight and Sunlight, BS EN 17037, the stricter EN 17037, and other local and national standards, all presented in a professional report suitable for submission to planning authorities.
We also offer a design stage service where we combine our architectural and analytical expertise to provide you with ways to optimise a design from a daylight and sunlight perspective before the layouts get locked in -so as to avoid later more costly changes becoming necessary.
All our analysis utilises proprietary analysis software developed in the UK to BRE protocols, applied to 3D BIM models of the scheme. The models may be provided by you (in Revit only) or can be generated by ourselves if you use other modelling software or none.
Solearth Design Analysis offers daylight sunlight and overshadowing simulation and modelling services in London, Belfast, Birmingham, Manchester, Scotland and Wales. Being a small practice we can provide our daylight and sunlight modelling service more competitively but to the same high standard of other consultant firms like MBS, BRE Group, DPR and Build Energy daylight analysis and assessment. Other firms such as GIA, Smith Marston, Anstey MES and Mach also daylight simulation and assessment services in UK. We pride ourselves on being able to respond more quickly than many other firms.
Value and Speed
We respond quickly to your needs and will always give you a competitive fee.
Get Started
Get a fee quote for your project brian@solearth.ie +353 87 2357530